
ThesaHelp: help with quotations

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Quotations are the heart of Thesa. They capture an idea from an article or book that is new or interesting. Topics provide access to related ideas. Bibliographic references provide a source for reading the quotation in context, and further exploration of the author's ideas.

If copyright clearance is required, a quotation skeleton replaces the quotation. See (ThesaHelp: help with quotation skeletons) for further discussion.

A quotation has a descriptive label, a bibliographic reference, and links to one or more topics of related quotations. A quotation includes a few sentences upto a paragraph or two. Quotations are from books, published articles, and technical reports. Notes may be taken from talks, trade journals, and notebooks.

Quotations are typed instead of copy/paste. This helps ensure that they standalone and have value, but may lead to transcription errors. Ellipsis and annotation are freely used. See below for conventions.

Each quotation has a descriptive label, usually one or two lines of text. The label is a headnote that captures the important idea of the quotation. The reader uses the label to decide whether or not a quotation may be relevant.

Eight words are enough to identify most quotations in a search engine. Two word HTML links invoke a phrase search in Google. There is a link for the first eight words, the first eight words after page breaks, and the last eight words.

Thesa uses the following conventions:

  • Quotations elide text with "..." and provide clarifications with brackets (e.g., '[Andrew File System]').

  • Internal references are abbreviated within brackets (e.g., [author, title, date]).

  • If a quote starts with a reference, the quotation is from that author.

  • All quotations were typed by hand. Quotations are spell-checked. Misspellings in the original are likely to be lost. Variant spellings are usually retained. Missing words and other transcription errors are usually caught when labeling the quote.

  • Capitalization, notations, and bold/italic phrases are preserved. If a quote starts midsentence, the first letter is lower-case. If the quote ends midsentence, there is no '.'.

  • Italics are usually dropped from one-letter words (e.g., 'x' for a math unknown).

  • Accents are dropt from non-English words and names. They will eventually be restored.

  • Bullets are indicated by a '@' character.

  • Math expressions are spelled out as necessary (e.g.., '.alpha.'). Subscripts are indicated with '_', superscripts with '^'.

  • Page breaks are indicated by a page reference between brackets (e.g., '... [p. 345] It appears'). A page break midsentence is delayed to the first period or comma.

  • A line break is indicated by '//'. Paragraph breaks are usually ignored.

  • Font styles other than bold and italic (e.g., small caps) are represented by single quotes.

  • Tabbing is ignored.

Related up

ThesaHelp: getting started with Thesa
ThesaHelp: help with notes
ThesaHelp: help with quotation skeletons
ThesaHelp: help with bibliographic references
ThesaHelp: help with topics

Updated barberCB 8/23, 10/97

Copyright © 2002-2023 by C.B. Barber
Thesa, Avev, and thid-... are trademarks of C.B. Barber